Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) is a form of psychotherapy utilized to address memories of past experiences that are still held in the brain as being charged. EMDR doesn’t erase the memories, but it does help to alleviate the emotional charge and help shift to a more positive and adaptive perspective of the experience. EMDR is an approach to therapy that can help the brain and body process traumatic experiences, whether big or small.

Benefits of EMDR Therapy for clients include:

  • Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence-based psychotherapy that is used in treating clients with PTSD, as well as other psychiatric disorders, somatic symptoms, and mental illness.

  • EMDR allows the healthy information within the Adaptive Information Processing System to connect with disturbing memories, sensations, or thoughts and desensitizes the disturbance so it is no longer distressing to the individual through an 8 phase, 3-pronged process.

  • In EMDR, the client focuses dual attention to a specific target by utilizing bilateral stimulation. The bilateral stimulation allows the brain to bring resolution to the traumatic experience.

  • Eye movements known as Bilateral Stimulation is related to the similar process of REM sleep which allows information from the day to be eliminated, consolidated or processed.

  • The reprocessing of the target can bring healing and healthy information to the experience and release the emotional charge that is held to the memory.

  • EMDR is beneficial in addressing adverse life experiences, specifically rooted in childhood, and the psychological and physiological symptoms that have been imbedded in on how one perceives themselves and the world around them.

Will I ever not be affected by this?

Will I ever get these thoughts, memories, detailed images out of my mind?

Will the pain ever go away?